Service concept

 Broad has built 400 call center and the remote monitoring system, with nearly a thousand professionals, providing customers with 7 × 24 hours around the clock, to promote the company brand from manufacturing to service transformation and upgrading. The company advocates "urban carrying solution", introduced a team of experts with the client "side by side" service concept, the implementation of construction investment assessments and their delivery systems, elevators configuration, civil engineering, elevator installation, repair and maintenance and updates, remote monitoring elevator operation modular operation to optimize the overall cost of the greatest value to customers.



 Equally important services and products, services, product quality assurance.

   Services include installation and service.
   Quality of service quality, including installation and on-site installation personnel performance quality.
   Service and on-site personnel, including the quality of work performance quality.
   Lift is not purchased by the customer, and more importantly the installation and service.
   Continuous improvement and innovation management in order to meet customer demand for the service.

Address:Qingcaowo Industrial Zone, Zhenlong Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China 516227

Phone:+86-752-3538111    fax:+86-752-3538555    Yuanda Line:400-830-8366

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